Top 15 Most Beautiful Celebrity Couples
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7. Jason Sudeikis & Olivia Wilde
Before Olivia Wild started seeing former Saturday Night Live star Jason Sudeikis, the gorgeous actress was married for 8 years to an Italian prince.
So, you might be wondering – how can a comedian from Kansas win a Hollywood A-lister over European blue-blooded royalty? Well, it’s the wits. It is always the wits.
“He was so cool, so funny – I was such a fan of his and had always fancied his speed and his intelligence,” Wilde told Marie Claire last year.
While we all know that funny people appear more attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex, but did you know it can be the other way around as well?
In a recent study conducted in Scotland, the researchers played comedy act clips featuring people who varied on the hotness scale. It was discovered that the better-looking you are, the funnier you’re perceived as by the viewer of the opposite sex.