22 Celebrities Who Practice Open Relationships

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Photo credit: Gettyimages

19. Jay-Z and Beyonce

Apparently, this power couple enjoys inviting pretty people into their bedroom–pretty as in ladies.

Reports are that Jay-Z and Beyonce are down with getting down with others.

As much as this couple seems to be into each other, they may be into others too.

Jay-Z is a major player in the music world and Beyonce is one of the hottest singers in the business.

Together they are a force to be reckoned with. They seem to be perfectly paired, so are they inviting others into their bedroom?

Unfortunately, there is some speculation that the fun isn’t always contained in their bedroom. There is word that Jay-Z is stepping out and that Beyonce is fuming about the damage it is doing to their “perfect marriage” in the media.

Although the couple has one daughter together and appears to be deep in love, the rumor mills are pumping out trouble and plenty of it. There is some speculation that Jay-Z has hooked up with Rihanna and other women in the music business.

Whether Beyonce is annoyed about the bad press or angered that he’s cheating is anyone’s guess. One can’t help wondering why people with open marriages bother to marry at all. Are the wedding gifts that great?

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