12 Celebrities Who Didn’t Even Need To Tell Us They Were Gay

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9) Wanda Sykes
This seriously funny comedian and actress had previously been married to record producer Dave Hall back in the day but other than that we can’t see any reason why fans would be shocked when Sykes revealed she was gay back in 2008. Sykes herself did admit that when she officially came out after California voters passed Proposition 8, she was a bit shocked that she chose that moment in time to speak openly about her sexual orientation.
The star has recently revealed to the media that she even suffered a falling out with her family when she gave them the news several years ago. The falling out with her mother unfortunately led to a long period of estrangement but the 2 have worked out their differences and have resumed communication, much to Sykes pleasure. Although the road to the truth has been occasionally bumpy for Sykes, it seems like she and her wife Alex —who the star married in 2008, just before the Prop 8 ban— have been doing well. They are both outspoken advocates for the LGBT community and they have 2 wonderful children together.