18 Most Shocking Recent Celebrity Affairs

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16. Kevin Federline and Sharisse Jackson
Federline and Jackson weren’t Hollywood names at the time, though both worked in show business when Federline began seeing Spears.
He actually left Jackson shortly before she gave birth to their second child. What a yummy sort of person he must be. Of course, the world knows just how happy the Spears-Federline union turned out to be. Wasn’t that a fun carnival or sorts!
Federline went on to have two children with Spears and is now the father of yet two more children with his latest paramour. Apparently two is the magic number with this former dancer. It’s all fun and games until that second kid comes along and then–whoops, game over. Well, bottles, tantrums, and midnight crying fits can be tough on a relationship; plus the kids can be hard too!
Who knows–perhaps Federline has finally found lasting love. It could happen. It’s just a shame he and Spears aren’t reuniting yet. Maybe when they reach their sixties. The media was never so fun but when those two were smattered across every magazine cover delighting the world with their crazy, chaotic, oily sort of love.