18 Most Shocking Recent Celebrity Affairs

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4. Jesse James and Michelle McGee
The pair were both at peak points in their careers and were very open about their relationship with the public.
Sandra even fought hard along with James to gain custody of his daughter from a previous marriage which the pair won in 2009.
So when news broke in March of 2010 of James’ multiple affairs, Sandra and fans of the couple were truly shocked. The couple had been in the middle of adopting a son together and the scandal caused the star to drop out of European promotion of her Oscar winning film The Blind Side.
James initially denied all allegations of cheating on Sandra but eventually came clean, causing the actress to file for divorce in April of 2010. She also chose to continue with the adoption proceedings for her son Louis Bardo Bullock on her own.
Since then Sandra has kept her private life close to her chest and been focusing on raising her adorable son while continuing to rack up Oscar nominations and breaking box office records.