12 Worst Hollywood Lovers

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3) Hugh Hefner
Hugh Hefner, the original playboy, the king of all things naughty, has built his career around all things virile and manly. He’s always seen with a stable of beautiful women, marries a new one every few years that get farther and farther from his age, and holds the throne to the Playboy kingdom fantasy world. He became involved with almost every Playboy centerfold for years, and turned his mansion into the best-known constant party of the century.
To this day, Hefner claims he’s getting some on a weekly basis, although his current partner looks more like a doting granddaughter than a hot and horny companion. One recent bedmate, Crystal Harris, had a tell-all interview about Hef and blew the lid on the rumors of his prowess. Apparently, it’s all been a big show for most of his life. Hugh may have had some talent in the earlier years, but it’s more likely he’s been compensating since the beginning worse than a man with a Ferrari and an extended-cab Hummer. It took him longer to get into bed than to do the deed, apparently, lasting all of two seconds. Odds are, his partner left unsatisfied.