12 Worst Hollywood Lovers

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5) Jennifer Aniston
Jennifer Aniston hit it big playing the role of Rachel Green on Friends between 1994 and 2004. Her girl next door looks turned her into everybody’s sweetheart for about ten years. Since then, she’s turned that fame into a successful movie career, starring in dozens of romantic comedies. She’s been linked with dozens of Hollywood hunks, and was married to Brad Pitt for seven years. Since that breakup, she’s been seen dating Vince Vaughn, John Mayer, and Paul Sculfor, a British model. She’s been dating Justin Theroux since 2011, and has been engaged with him since 2012.
For someone who hooks up with so many hot guys, Jennifer Aniston has a horrible reputation as a lover. More than one ex lover has claimed that she acts like a spoiled little princess when it comes to intimacy. It’s all about her, but she just lays there and expects her partner to do all the work. She doesn’t seem to like it very much at all, using all sorts of excuses to get out of it. With rumors this long lasting, all we can say about the guys of Hollywood is that they’re determined to try to break through to the ice queen.