15 Celebrities Who are Crazy in Real Life

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4) The Scary Apprentice: Gary Busey
With his wild-eyed rantings and over-the-top mannerisms, Busey definitely acts like he is crazy. In fact, during his recent appearance on “Celebrity Apprentice,” many of his teammates appeared a bit wary of the actor, who would sometimes explode in anger or go off on strange tangents.
Busey’s behavior is probably not an act. In 1998, the actor — who has appeared in a number of movies, including “The Buddy Holly Story,” “Point Break,” “Under Siege,” and “A Star is Born” — was injured in a bad motorcycle accident. Unfortunately, Busey was not wearing a helmet at the time and his skull was fractured. A psychiatrist who examined Busey while he was on the show, “Celebrity Rehab” said that the actor had a weakening of his mental filters, which causes him to act and speak impulsively.
However, you don’t have to feel too sorry for Busey. Between commercials for Amazon Fire that play up his quirkiness and spots on TV shows like “Celebrity Apprentice,” Busey has been able to make a pretty good living from his eccentric behavior.