15 Celebrities Who are Crazy in Real Life

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7) The Battling Baldwin: Alec Baldwin
Alec Baldwin is famous for his intensity both on the screen and off. Take a May 2014 incident, for example. The “30 Rock” star was stopped by police for riding his bike against traffic in New York. In most cases, this incident would result in nothing more than a warning or a ticket. With Baldwin, however, the incident quickly escalated and the star was arrested and taken away in handcuffs. Of course — this being the Twitter age — upon his release, Baldwin immediately tweeted out pictures of the officer’s badge and his account of the incident.
Of course, this was just the latest in a string of Baldwin rages. In November 2013, he chased after a photographer and called him an anti-gay slur word. And in August 2013, Baldwin pinned another photographer onto the hood of a car. The actor was also investigated in 2012 for reportedly hitting another photographer in the face.
Baldwin doesn’t take his anger out only on photographers, however. In 2011, he got so belligerent on a plane when crew members asked him to shut down his phone that he was kicked off. He is also famous for calling his own daughter, Irish — who was 11 years old at the time — a “rude, thoughtless, little pig” during a 2011 phone call that was released to the press.