15 Celebrities That Have Killed People

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3) The Cursed Show: Brandy Norwood
Was there a curse on the television show “Moesha” that involved cars? It sure seemed like it. In 2005, actor Lamont Bentley, 31, was killed when he lost control of his car, and in 2002, another co-star, Merlin Santana, was killed as he sat in the passenger seat of a car. And then there was the show’s star, Brandy. In December 2006, the singer-actress, ran into the back of another car on the 405 Freeway at 65 miles an hour. Brandy — who goes by her first name — didn’t notice that traffic had suddenly slowed in front of her.
Her Land Rover struck a Honda, which then hit another car, slid sideways and was then hit by yet another vehicle. Witnesses at the scene reported that Brandy was crying and saying it was her fault. They also reported not being able to find a pulse on the Honda’s owner, Awatef Aboudihaj, 38.
Brandy, who was found to be alcohol and drug-free at the time of the accident, was not charged in the accident because, according to a California Highway Patrol source, Aboudihaj may have actually struck the car in front of her before the accident with Brandy had occurred.