15 Celebrities With Physical Deformities

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12. Seal
Even though the scars which mark Seal’s face have long been rumored to be the result of a tribal scarification rite, this is of course not the case.
The extreme scarring that makes the singer’s face unique is actually the result of a skin condition known as Discoid Lupus Erythematosus or DLE, which he suffered from when he was a teenager.
The American Osteopathic College of Dermatology says that the exact cause of this strange disease is still unknown, however, it is thought to be autoimmune with the body’s immune system incorrectly attacking normal skin.
Seal, however, seems to have grown attached to the scars and learned to appreciate his unique look.
“I got really depressed about the scars at first, as you can understand,” Seal told Rolling Stone. “Now I really like them. If I could design something, I don’t think I could do it better.”