15 Celebrities Who You Would Love To Have As A Girlfriend

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11) Amanda Seyfried
She got her start on the big screen in Mean Girls, and won an MTV movie award for it, but Amanda is anything but. She is quirky, a bit odd, and according to sources very sweet and easy to work with. She has her own taxidermy collection including a baby horse, a fox, an owl, a moose, a goat, and a raccoon with a jet pack on his back.
She was named People’s number one Hottie Under 25, and has ranked in several other lists determining that she is indeed lovely to look at.
She also received a ranking by Glamour magazine as Most Down To Earth. Amanda is also unavailable at the time, she has been connected with actor Justin Long for some time now. The pair seem to be well suited though, they are both equally attractive and odd which makes for an oddly compelling combination.
Amanda has two movies coming out in 2014 and as of right now two in 2015.