15 Celebrities Who You Would Love To Have As A Girlfriend

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14) Taylor Swift
Yeah, she may write a song about you after the first date. But “then you can tell everybody, that this is your song”, Taylor may seem like a serial dater, but keep in mind that she is young, free, beautiful, and rich, when she finally meets the guy who can get her to settle down he is going to have to be something special.
Many men have gone before you, and were turned into country songs. One day though, one day in the future a brave knight will break the Swift curse and instead of making her another million dollars by inspiring a break up song, he will steal her heart.
Taylor may use her dating history to inspire her art, but she is not afraid to make fun of herself sometimes as well. She mocked her dating history in the ACM consideration video, and in many different interviews the fact that she is genuinely nice and funny emerges.
Once people realize that she does not take her dating history as seriously as her music might indicate, she becomes a lot more likeable. Whoever is lucky enough to date her should be A Law and Order Fan, love food, and cats.