15 Celebrities Who You Would Love To Have As A Girlfriend

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15) Karen Gillan
Her Scottish accent alone brings fans to their knees. When she had long red hair, she was considered a perfect ten. Then inexplicably she shaved it all off for her role as Nebula in Guardians of the Galaxy. (Does she not know they make skin caps for this?) Somehow even then Karen remained beautiful and carried herself the same way she did before.
She is known as Amy Pond on Doctor Who, and has moved to the U.S. now that her time on the hit show is over to try her luck in Hollywood.
Considering that she has three movies lined up and several TV appearances in the next year, it seems that she did well moving across the pond. Anyone would be lucky to call her theirs because she knows how to be a friend and cut up with the guys, her Doctor Who cast mates grew very close to her during their season together.
In addition to being fun, she is drop dead gorgeous and has been recruited to model, but was much more interested in acting.