15 Celebrities Who You Would Love To Have As A Girlfriend

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9) Ellen Paige
In Juno she is sharp as a tack, tough, and wise. All of that personality and drama hid the fact that Ellen Paige is actually really hot. She is often cast in rolls that hide her looks beneath frumpy cloths or a snarky attitude. Only when she is giving a speech or walking down the red carpet do fans take notice that she is beautiful as well as smart and talented. When she came out she broke more than a few hearts but there was something about the simple way she did it that somehow made even the straight fans fall in love with her.
Ellen has always had a straightforwardness about her that appealed to both fans and casting directors alike.
She is beautiful, no doubt, but her best quality is her ability to cut the crap and say it like she sees it. She still captivates even though men know that she is not interested.
The “tiny Canadian” is simply too darn likable even when she is playing roles that hide her figure and appearance.