Gwyneth Paltrow Still Wearing Wedding Ring?

Photo credit: Gwyneth Paltrow Instagram
When “normal” couples divorce, the normal course of action is for each party to go their separate ways. Depending on how amicable the circumstances of the dissolution are, or if there are any kids in the picture, they may still keep in contact and sometimes even rebuild a friendship of sorts over time.
In the case of Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin, they’re showing us normal people that we’ve been doing divorces all wrong.
In late March, the acclaimed actress and her rock star hubby announced that they were ending their marriage, which came as a surprise to many since the relationship never seemed to make headlines, no one was ever spotted straying or there weren’t any allegations of abuse.
There also weren’t any usages of the “d” word (divorce) – instead the now former couple introduced us to the cryptic phrase “conscious uncoupling.” What this means wasn’t entirely clear – certainly something somewhat removed from the sheer pain and mutual bad blood that some splitting couples endure as things fall apart.
What also wasn’t clear was their behavior as a couple following this announcement. Gwyneth, Chris and their children Moses and Apple traveled to the Bahamas as a family unit.

Photo credit: Gettyimages
Then, on April 9, Gwyneth posted an Instagram photo of her hugging her son Moses and wished him a happy eighth birthday. Along with wearing a big grin on her boy’s big day, she also was wearing her wedding ring, another item that usually is divested ASAP when a marriage ends or at least moved to another finger.
Celebrity watchers weren’t entirely sure when it was taken – perhaps prior to the “uncoupling” and maybe it was just a good shot of mama and son together. Or maybe she hasn’t wanted to remove the ring.
The couple’s surprisingly positive attitude, while it does run against the normal feelings of loss created by divorce, actually seems a little refreshing.
In a blog post on their site, Goop, Gwyneth wrote that while she and Chris are no longer are together, they remain a family, and in some ways, stronger than ever.