Lea Michele and Matthew Morrison Hooked up before ‘Glee’?!

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Lea Michele has been a steady source of headline fodder since becoming one of the hottest parts of the hit television show, “Glee”, and now she is back at it with the release of her new book “Brunette Ambition”. The book, which paints the world that the 27 year old actress has been living in, gave out some juicy bits of information which include the addition that, yes, Matthew Morrison and Lea Michele were briefly a couple before “Glee” got its kickstart.
The reveal is particularly shocking due to the fact that Michele had been adamant in denying it’s reality mere years before. The revelation of this information occurs towards the end of the auto-biography during the chapter focused on Michele’s landing of a role on “Glee”. The section details how close she was to co-stars Cory Monteith, Amber Riley, and Chris Colfer. Michele points out that she had met Matthew Morrison while working on Broadway and that they had actually shared a short relationship together.
“Brunette Ambition” is the first place that Lea Michele has given her relationship with Morrison any credence. Despite the many rumors that cropped up in the early days of “Glee”, Michele kept steadfast and focused on her love life with the late Cory Monteith. Morrison did his part in the deception, by echoing the fact that they were “just friends”. Morrison went on to say that their rumored relationship was “laughable” and then proceeded to make up a scenario where their two agents confronted them about the rumors. We can now see that they were playing the tabloids all along.
Lea Michele has been under scrutiny for allegedly milking the death of her ex-boyfriend, Cory Monteith, in order to keep her name in the headlines. The fact that she was willing to hide another highly publicized relationship with Morrison shows that, perhaps, she is not so concerned with the press after all.