Lindsay Lohan’s Little Black Book Is Filled with Stars!

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Li Lo was beginning to gain a bit of legitimacy with the help of Oprah, so naturally she has pulled a stunt that makes her appear more like a junior high student than a 27 year old woman. It seems that every time she tries to stage a comeback she manages to be her own worst enemy.

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She jotted the list down in a motel room over a year ago, then casually tossed it aside. The magazine In Touch acquired a copy of the list and has been revealing more and more names as media and fan attention grows. Many of the names come as no surprise (she was rumored to have dated them, or they kissed and told). Many of the names make fans cry out in disbelief (Heath Ledger, Orlando Bloom, Adam Levine). But the worst part are the names that have had to be blurred out to protect a family because they are married. This is a new low, it is bad enough to go there with a married man. But calling out the family publicly on a list of conquests is not cool, girl.

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A source told In Touch that Lindsay likes being linked to successful men. Maybe that is the root of the problem. Like Julia Roberts’ character in Runaway Bride, perhaps Lindsay has not found a way to love and know her own self. Maybe she needs to take a year off from dating and get to know herself. She need to take some time to find out how she likes her own eggs so to speak. Then maybe she will stop being a train wreck that everyone cannot seem to help but to watch, after all she does actually have acting talent underneath it all.