Robert Downey Jr. And Wife Are Expecting A Baby

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It’s official. Robert Downey Jr. and his wife Susan are expecting a baby girl later this year. The actor made the happy announcement on Twitter on Wednesday: “Yo. Susan. Me. Baby. Girl. November. Scorpio?”
Later, he also confirmed via another social network, Facebook, saying: “Um. I don’t know if it’s a ‘man’s world,’ but I’m certain women run it. Susan and I are therefore delighted to announce we are expecting a baby. Girl. November,” said the 49-year-old actor on his official Facebook page..
Robert kind of found himself in a pickle when he revealed the gender of their first child on a TV show.
He told the show host Jay Leno that Susan didn’t want anyone to know their baby’s gender, but then proceeded to spill the beans live on national television.
“I am not permitted to discuss it. I can’t say a word. We’re having a boy!” he proudly blurted out at Jay Leno’s show for all the world to hear.
His wife Susan wasn’t quite angry with her husband for long. She later said: “I couldn’t stay mad at him, but I can tell you it genuinely wasn’t something we planned to reveal”.
They already have a two-year-old son together, Exton Elias Downey, so this will be the couple’s second child and their first daughter.