Something From Nothing: Top 14 Famous Gold Diggers

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11) Courtney Love
Courtney Love is the definition of a train wreck, beginning with her relationship with Curt Cobain. Stories vary, but she met Cobain sometime in 1990. They officially became a couple in fall of 1991, and were married six months later. Their daughter, Frances Bean was born in the fall, two years before her father would commit suicide. Always in trouble with addictive drugs, Courtney Love was in rehab when the tragedy happened.
It’s pretty certain that Love didn’t marry Cobain for the money, but she’s sure made the most of it since then. Her artistic endeavors haven’t made her the star she thinks she should be. Since Cobain’s death she’s barely earned any money on her own, and has lived by grabbing money from his estate. Not satisfied with being a leech on her dead husband, she’s hit rock bottom by asking her daughter for over $2.5 million dollars from her trust fund. That’s got to be some kind of record.