Something From Nothing: Top 14 Famous Gold Diggers

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13) Oksana Grigorieva
It’s the sad tale of a gold digger gone wrong. Long before she even met Mel Gibson, Oksana Grigorieva was looking for a sugar daddy, someone to take care of her in the style to which she wanted to live. Married twice before she hit Hollywood, she had a short term relationship with actor Timothy Dalton and had a child with him. Dalton must not have had the star power she craved, because she quickly moved on to greener pastures.
She started dating Mel Gibson shortly thereafter, and their daughter was born in 2009. After one quick year the couple was breaking up, with the usual accusations of domestic abuse and fights about custody that most couples in the business seem to go through. Gibson offered her $15 million, which she turned down, thinking she could do better. The judge disagreed when the case went to court, giving her $750,000 and a house she can live in for 15 years, until her daughter turns 18. Sometimes it’s better to take what you can get, girlfriend.