Something From Nothing: Top 14 Famous Gold Diggers

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4) David Furnish
David Furnish, a Canadian advertising executive posted to his London office, met and started dating Elton John in 1992. Although not well known to the public, it’s apparent that the two were an item right from the start. Furnish soon quit his job and concentrated solely on living with Elton and carrying on with his lifestyle. Claiming now to be a filmmaker, he and Elton John built a production company just for Furnish’s projects, which so far have been few and far between. The most well-known has been a sort of concert documentary of Elton John himself, which wasn’t very well received.
When England appeared to be leaning toward making civil unions legal between gay couples, Elton proposed to David at a party at their friends’ home. On the first day civil unions were legal, December 21, 2005, the couple was joined together in their own civil union ceremony. Since then, David Furnish appears to exist solely as a comfortable partner and semi-attractive arm candy for Elton John, avoiding any semblance of work while being a figurehead in a few charitable organizations.