Something From Nothing: Top 14 Famous Gold Diggers

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9) Arlene Silver
As a 40-year-old makeup artist, Arlene Silver’s first reaction to Dick Van Dyke was to ask him if he was the guy in one of her favorite movies when she was a kid. The age difference was apparent right from the start, but Arlene never let it stop her. The fact that, at 46 years her senior, Dick was easily old enough to be her grandfather wasn’t an issue when it came to dating a star. In fact, she was so stuck on seeing the aging star that she carried on with him in an affair for three years until his current girlfriend died.
The couple went public and were married in 2012, when he was 88 years old. She claims that she’s got an old soul, and is very mature for her age. He states that he’s very immature, and still feels like a big kid. Apparently they supposedly meet somewhere in the middle of that almost half-century gap. She claims it’s for love, not money, but there’s no denying that she’s much better off than she ever would have been doing makeup behind the scenes as a freelance artist.