The 11 Most Obnoxious Real Housewives Couples

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10) Joe and Melissa Gorga
Joe and Melissa Gorga get along surprisingly well, at least, when you compare their marriage to what is typically seen in the Real Housewives franchise.
But their manner of getting along is, at time, grating. In 2013, Melissa published a book advising readers to submit to their husbands, highlighting the many occasions in which she’d consented to have sex with Joe, even when that was the last thing she wanted.
Joe expanded on this concept, admitting that, no matter how many times his wife tries to fight him on bedroom manners, he always wins in the end. During an appearance on Bethenny Frankel’s talk show, he spoke at length about an incident in which Melissa returned home after a long day and, despite her exhaustion, was forced to acquiesce to her husband’s physical needs. Joe’s justification? He claimed that “Daddy [needed] his sleeping pill.”