The 11 Most Obnoxious Real Housewives Couples

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11) Teresa and Joe Giudice
The Real Housewives franchise boasts plenty of obnoxious couples, but Joe and Teresa Giudice definitely take the cake! The lovebirds recently were forced to plead guilty to fraud. Although they initially faced over forty charges of fraud, they were able to whittle these down so as to only plead guilty to a handful of charges each. Thus, instead of spending the dozens of years behind bars that they deserve, these two will likely wind up in luxury prisons for, at most, a year or two.
In addition to their apparent inability to abide by the law, Joe and Teresa Giudice seem to struggle with the same infidelity issues that target so many of their fellow Real Housewives stars.
In early 2014, Joe was spotted out on the town with attractive women on numerous occasions. Teresa is believed to put up with his philandering because she knows that, in the end, she benefits financially from her relationship with Joe.