The 11 Most Obnoxious Real Housewives Couples

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9) Vicki Gunvalson and Brooks Ayers
Vicki and Donn Gunvalson’s divorce played out for viewers on The Real Housewives of Orange County back in 2010. Since then, the reality star has kept busy by maintaining an on-again, off-again relationship with Brooks Ayers, a guy she just can’t quite shake from her life. Rumors suggest that Vicki and Brooks were already bumping uglies long before she actually divorced Donn, but these have not been (and likely never will be) confirmed.
Brooks Ayers isn’t exactly an upstanding citizen — and the problem extends far beyond doing the deed with a married woman. He’s done a terrible job of offering sufficient child support for his children. Additionally, he was arrested for driving under the influence a few years back.
Between Brooks’ criminal history and inability to maintain a stable relationship with Vicki Gunvalson. it’s obvious to fans of The Real Housewives of Orange County that this relationship will not end well.