Top 10 Celebrity Marriages That Lasted Less Than a Year

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6. Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Esposito
Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Esposito were married for only 4 months in 2007, and were very vague about the details of their split, until Esposito published a book in which she called her ex “a master manipulator”.
Jennifer also said he was “funny, smart, cocky, arrogant” and his “personality could flip on a dime”.
On the other hand, while talking to Howard Stern about his failed marriage to Esposito, Bradley Cooper was surprisingly ambiguous: “It was just something that happened.
The good thing is, we both realized it… Sometimes you just realize it. It just wasn’t right. It’s interesting… Things happen!”
Whatever happened, the marriage between Cooper and Esposito will go down in history as one of the shortest celebrity marriages.