Top 10 Men Destroyed By The Kardashians

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Their insatiable desire to be rich and famous has taken them from a relatively rich and unknown brood to superstardom and everything world-wide fame has to offer.
Along the way the Kardashians have stepped on many toes, to say the least, and have messed with or ruined the personal and/or professional lives of many men who tried to get closer.
We present a list of the most notable men who were never the same after getting involved with the family.
1. Ray J
Ray J had a promising career as a talented singer and brother of a recording artist and actress Brandy whose career had just started to take off before his sex tape with Kim Kardashian was released into the world. Things haven’t been the same since.
Kim Kardashian played the victim in this incident whose privacy had been breached and feelings seriously hurt whereas Ray J was labeled as the “creep” who released their very private sex tape.
As we all know, Kim K’s career took off after her sexual act was exposed to the world, while Ray J tried to record music afterwards and even starred in a reality show called For The Love of Ray J but his fan base started to rapidly shrink and his promising career never really reached any notable heights.
Ray J will always be remembered as the guy who made Kim K the victim that the public felt sorry for and the guy who helped propel her into superstardom.