Tori Spelling: Husband Dean McDermott Admits Infidelity

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Those who follow the relationship of Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott received some bad news last December: the couple was splitting up after eight years of marriage.
But it wasn’t until this spring that we’re going to hear all the gory details of Dean’s cheating ways, and what Tori thinks about the whole mess. Spoiler alert: she’s more hurt than angry, but she’s still pretty angry, which makes his transgression even worse than some of your garden variety Hollywood hijnks where everyone seems to get over it.
A lot of the info will be revealed to the world later this month on “True Tori,” a new reality show that Lifetime has picked up that chronicles the ups and downs of the longtime debutante. The first episode airs April 22, and six episodes have been shot.
Advance screenings show that there will be more downs than ups in the show, at least early on.
Expect Tori to talk about her family, which includes four children age 17 months to 6 years. Expect her to talk about how being she’s always had anxiety about Dean cheating during their marriage – possibly because both of them were married to other people when they first met.
Then, expect her to say that she could never give Dean all the sex he wanted, and in her defense, she spent a lot of 2013 out of commission downstairs due to a difficult pregnancy and delivery complications. Plus she’s busy with her acting career and raising the children.
Since the show isn’t just about Tori, Dean gets some screen time as well, and will publicly admit that being unfaithful to Tori has been the worst kind of nightmare. But he’ll also confess that to him, sex was an escape and as addictive of a drug as any dangerous substance out there. He even checked himself into rehab after allegations emerged that he had an encounter at a Toronto hotel with a woman he met just that day.
The other woman, 28-year-old Emily Goodhand, told US Magazine that the 47-year-old Dean told her he had a sexless marriage.